If we do something with the starting point of not expecting to achieve anything from it; does this make us mad or enlightened? Think about sleeping, the more we try to get to sleep the more sleep eludes us. It is only when we have accepted that maybe we can’t sleep and stopped trying so… Continue Reading
This term we have been referencing the book ‘Full Catastrophe Living’ by Jon Kabatt Zinn, the following is an excerpt from the chapter on Attitudinal Foundations for Mindfulness as read in class with a comment from me at the end. Acceptance Acceptance means seeing things are they actually are in the present. If you have a… Continue Reading
After spending the summer growing my best crop of vegetables yet (helped by the amazing hot sun!), this term’s course theme which I have been working with myself seems to make perfect sense! Preparing the Ground/Mind! The gardeners amongst us realise the importance of preparing the soil to create the best conditions for healthy growth.… Continue Reading
Just a couple of places left for the new term! 12 week Yoga & Meditation Courses Start Sept 10th End Dec 12th 2013 Half term holiday 21st Oct to 1st Nov Tuesday 9.15 – 10.45am Tuesday 11.15am – 12.45pm Thursday 9.15 – 10.45am Thursday 2 – 3.30pm Course cost £144 Receipt of your payment reserves… Continue Reading