calm mind, healthy body, happy life

Author Archives: Jacquelyn

Acceptance – Weed or Feed?

This term we have been referencing the book ‘Full Catastrophe Living’ by Jon Kabatt Zinn, the following is an excerpt from the chapter on Attitudinal Foundations for Mindfulness as read in class with a comment from me at the end.     Acceptance Acceptance means seeing things are they actually are in the present. If you have aContinue Reading

Yoga for Peace of Mind – Preparing the Ground

After spending the summer growing my best crop of vegetables yet (helped by the amazing hot sun!), this term’s course theme which I have been working with myself seems to make perfect sense! Preparing the Ground/Mind! The gardeners amongst us realise the importance of preparing the soil to create the best conditions for healthy growth.Continue Reading

Yoga in Bedford

Just a couple of places left for the new term! 12 week Yoga & Meditation Courses Start Sept 10th End Dec 12th 2013 Half term holiday 21st Oct to 1st Nov Tuesday 9.15 – 10.45am Tuesday 11.15am – 12.45pm Thursday 9.15 – 10.45am Thursday 2 – 3.30pm Course cost £144 Receipt of your payment reservesContinue Reading

Get on your mat and experience the bliss!

Sometimes the hardest thing is to actually get on your yoga mat in the first place. There is always something else ‘more important’ to do. This summer, I have had some of my most blissful practices when I felt the most resistance initially. It really does take discipline to make that step onto your matContinue Reading

Halcyon Yoga Student’s Yoga Epiphany

Abygail had only ever practised yoga using DVD’s to guide her. Read how her practice is flourishing since attending lessons with Halcyon Yoga. She is a wonderful person and has a way with words, her latest achievement is writing her first novelette! Click here to read  Yoga Epiphany plus more of Aby’s blogs.Continue Reading

Walk Your Way to Happiness

Halcyon Yoga student and health journalist Sally Brown asked for my input for her recent article about combining the practice and benefits of meditation with walking. The resulting article has been published in the magasine “Womens Walking” and is on sale in W.H.Smith. To read the full article including some simple walking meditations, click onContinue Reading

Everyone’s a Winner! Beds Business Women Awards Ball 2013

My fabulous friend Emma Garrett, who runs The Kiosk – Russell Park and Emma Garrett Social Media Services won Self Employed Business Women of The Year at The Bedfordshire Business Women’s Awards & Silver Anniversary Ball yesterday evening at The Sharnbrook Hotel. No-one deserves it more than Emma, mother of five and businesswoman extraordinaire! Congrats Emma! IContinue Reading

Meditation’s Antianxiety Effects Visible on Brain Imaging

This article is awesome, its’ brilliant news that scientists can see the positive effects on the brain after just a few hours of meditation training using MRI scanning. Click to read: Meditation’s Anti-anxiety Effects Visible on Brain Imaging “Meditation has been practised for thousands of years, associated with good health, wisdom and connection to universalContinue Reading

Bedfordshire Self Employed Business Woman of the Year 2013 Finalist

I have just heard that I have made it through as a finalist for the Bedfordshire Business Women Networking Organisation – Self Employed Business Woman of the year award. A big thank you to all of my clients, without you I would have no business! The awards ceremony ball is on 20th JuneContinue Reading

A Natural History of Me

BBC Radio 4 Click here to listen to the radio programme According to latest scientific findings, it is questionable as to whether it is correct to refer to ourselves as I’ or ‘Me’. We are actually made up of more than ten times more microbes than human cells. This radio programme gives a fascinating insightContinue Reading