At the moment we are learning what it means to strengthen out of softness. This approach works wonders for your pelvic floor muscles. This way of working creates sustainable stability and is much more comfortable than the ‘clench and grit your teeth version’ which was so popular during the Jane Fonda years! A student said… Continue Reading
Leading a guided Relaxation live on BBC Three Counties Radio – a tall order for DJ Nick Coffer! How to multi-task and relax in the moment – impressive work Nick! I was asked by Emma Garrett at The Kiosk, Russell Park, Bedford to come along and support the community business themed radio broadcast and never imagined I… Continue Reading
This term our theme is to PAUSE, relax, sense our body/breath/mind and allow everything to settle and rest in its own way without forcing anything. Then we stretch out from this starting point, locating and letting go of embodied tension and working out what is preventing us from releasing the habitual holding of our muscles… Continue Reading
On October 10th 2012, Emma Garrett asked me to give a little talk and run some bite sized meditation sessions at Kiosk at The Park at Russell Park, Bedford for the ‘Tea and Talk’ – fundraising for World Mental Health Day. We called it ‘My Breathing Space’ and we ran two sessions during the morning.… Continue Reading
Yoga, meditation, ‘mindfulness’ – why some of the west’s biggest companies are embracing eastern spirituality Check out the Financial Times article – ‘The Mind Business’ by David Gelles featured on The British Wheel of Yoga website. I found it a real insight into how yoga and meditation is benefiting mainstream US businesses. I enjoyed… Continue Reading
“An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes, which can be made, in a very narrow field.” – Quantum physicist Niels Bohr. Niels Bohr’s quote really fits with the question of why we ‘hold’ on so much mentally, physically and emotionally. This tendency is largely due to our fear of failure or… Continue Reading
Leisure What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. No time to stand beneath the boughs And stare as long as sheep or cows. No time to see, when woods we pass, Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass. No time to see, in broad daylight,… Continue Reading
Whether you are new to yoga or like me have been practising for years, we are all really beginners in our exploration of this ancient practice. This term we will be re-visiting some of the most well-known yoga postures (including downward facing dog), breathing and relaxation techniques. The emphasis will be on working with sensations… Continue Reading